الجمعة، 1 أكتوبر 2010

My Dream

The humans in our life should have a lot and  lot of dreams and wishlist , because it is our food in our life . I heard my teacher said when I child " if you do not have dream in your life ,you should die because you are nothing " . When I heard it , I examined about my life and I found it at change Islamic World . I want change our mind about many things like science , creativity , the concept of faith and action . I will be success man and generous to our world . I will be an engineer and I wish take PHD  in business administration in 2026 . Our dreams do not stop to our life stop . I wish achieve all dreams -God Willing - in the future . 

هناك تعليق واحد:

  1. Your father is absolutely right, without a dream and purpose, man is just an oxygen thief
